And so it was, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. Exodus 17:11
Exodus 17:8-16
In our text we see that every time Moses lifted his hands to God in this battle, Israel prevailed; and any time his hands were down, Amalek began to prevail. That’s a scary thought right there. It shows you what happens in the realm of the spirit when your hands go down in lukewarmness. It means as soon as you begin to relent in prayer/spiritual exercise the enemy prevails – darkness comes, things begin to go wrong and the devil has a field day toying with you. But when your hands are lifted up in the Tower Of Prayer (TOP), you prevail over the fiery darts of the enemy and eventually get the victory.
Interestingly, one thing that this Scripture never said was that Joshua’s hand got tired; it only said that as Moses’ hands went down, Amalek prevailed. Joshua himself was never tired; he continued to fight valiantly, while the devil caused weariness where prayers were being offered. This shows that spiritual work takes more from you than physical work and that is because spiritual work is more important than physical work, which is why the enemy’s (devil) strategy is to attack your spiritual work.
So, while you have the enthusiasm to do your business, manage your projects, excel in your academics, career, family, relationships, etc., you discover that you feel fatigued when it comes to praying, attending a church service, studying the Word, going on a fast or any other spiritual exercise that will foster spiritual growth and development in your life. But, you don’t have to fall for the devil’s trick again; you have to keep your hands lifted up at the TOP because the results you get there will do you far better than the result you will get anywhere else. Similarly, what you do at the TOP determines what happens at the valley – the other aspects of your life. The battles of life can’t be won by might or your power but by God’s Spirit; so don’t neglect the TOP where you can connect with God’s Spirit through prayers (Romans 8:26).
Zechariah 4:6-7, I Thessalonians 5:17, & I Timothy 4:8 (TLB)
Lord, I ask that you strengthen my feeble hands and weak knees concerning my spiritual work. Give me spiritual grit to stay at the Tower of Prayer in order to outlast the enemy. May my enthusiasm for spiritual exercise become more than any other activity in my life in Jesus’ name.