“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” – John 10:27
Our God is a speaking God! The Psalmist contrasted Him to idols with mouths that do not speak, eyes but do not see ears but they do not hear, noses but do not smell, and although they have throats, they do not mutter words (Psalm 115:5-8). God is ever willing to instruct and guide us. Like a good parent, He wants to speak to us about our lives, families, marriage choices, business, investments, service to Him, ministry, etc. God speaks, listen!
Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice…” That means it is possible to hear God speak to You if You are His child; He is more eager to speak to us than we are to listen to Him. Genesis reveals that He made us in His image, and when it says, “…and man became a living soul,” it means that man became a speaking spirit. Imagine a man without the power of speech.
To listen is to give one’s attention to a sound. It is to take notice of and act on what someone says. When you listen, you are trying to hear something, alert and ready to hear. To hear God, you must consciously tune your ears to His frequency. Amidst today’s many voices – in our minds, music, social media, political and economic analysis, medical reports, and bank statements – if we are not careful, we may miss the voice of God, and anxiety overcomes us.
Sheep need to hear their shepherd’s voice to stay in the fold and not stray. Likewise, you need to hear the voice of God because between your now and your future is information or instruction to obey. Turning water into wine was one of Jesus’ mighty miracles. Still, it took place because those servants at the reception followed and executed the instruction Jesus gave them.
One place God speaks consistently is in the bible – His word. There is a Word, an instruction, that relates to/connects with whatever you are dealing with presently. Find it from the bible and obey it to move to your next level in destiny. Learn to study the word and get a word, instruction, or encouragement to be your roadmap as you journey through life. Don’t be deceived or confused by the world system; God speaks, listen!
Psalm 115:5-8, Isaiah 30:21, Luke 5:4-6, and John 5:30.
“I serve a God who speaks and guides me with His voice. Father, as I read and meditate on Your Word, let my ears be opened to hear sound instructions and revelations from the Holy Spirit. I commit to act on those instructions and as I do, Lord, take me from where I am now to where I am supposed to be in Your divine plan for me.”