“…On the day that the enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them, the opposite occurred, in that the Jews themselves overpowered those who hated them.” ~ Esther 9:1
Movies often mimic life. The movie usually starts with the hero suffering and being hurt by the villain and his minions. He is on the receiving end until a point leading to the final showdown: a gang of villains gang up on the actor, with the odds stacked against him, but suddenly, things turn around, and the movie ends well.
Rough patches often mark the beginning for many people. A college student struggles with his education in his first year. A graduate finds it hard to get a new job. Newlyweds deal with financial difficulties or delays in having children. A new business is over-labored with debts. Then, your mind tells you, “I will wake up one day, and the little I have will be gone: satan will strike the death blow, and that will be the end of my studies, marriage, business, ministry, etc.” But that is not true, the opposite will happen, and God will turn it around.
The Israelites were in exile in Persia when Ahasuerus was king. They were a despised people, and Haman, the king’s right-hand man, gave vent to this. He got the king’s seal on a letter that mandated all his provinces to destroy the Jews and confiscate their property. They set the date, and there was fear among the Jews. Their enemies already saw themselves inheriting the lands, houses, wells, and farms of the Jews, but God had a different plan.
God stepped in through a series of good turns. Things turned when Esther became Queen; the king favored and gave her audience. When he knew about the letter, the king decreed that they hang Haman; he had a rejoinder written to empower the Jews to fight and defend themselves and their property. On the set day, the Jews rose to defend themselves; God turned the evil plans of their enemies around, and the opposite occurred. The Jews defeated them.
God is a God of happy endings. You may be at a point in your career, marriage, relationship, finances, ministry, family, or education and things don’t look good. You are dealing with thoughts of, ‘this is how things will remain,’ but God is saying, “The opposite will happen. I will turn everything together for your good; you will end well, and I will be glorified.” You will not end in shame; your end will be better than your beginning! God will turn things for you good.
James 5:11 (MSG), Job 23:9-10, and Isaiah 60:14-16
Things may have started slow for me in _________ area(s) of my life; I refuse to be worried, for I know God has a good end for me. The enemy may have plans to ruin my future and steal my joy, but I will not fear; I know my God will turn everything around for my good. I rest in the God who turns all things around – ashes into beauty, mourning into dancing, dryness into fruitfulness, lack into plenty, and danger into victory. I will wait… and thank You while I wait, in Jesus’ name.
The opposite will occur and God will be glorified in Jesus’ name.. The expectation of the enemy will never succeed.
Glory be to God amen 🙏
The God of happy ending hallelujah 🙏