“I was a father to the poor, and I searched out the case that I did not know.” – Job 29:16
Job lived in the land of Uz, a blameless and upright man who loved God and shunned evil. The Bible says He was the greatest of all in the East, for he had great possessions. However, his greatness in wealth was dwarfed by his unmatched generosity; Job had a kind heart. Our text chronicles Job’s extraordinary dexterity in showing kindness without discrimination. He was fair to his servants, regarded the poor, wiped the tears of widows, and fed the orphans.
There was hardly a home that did not feel the impact of Job. Hence, he became a force to be reckoned with in his community. Someone was in school because he paid their fees, another wearing or driving something he bought for them, another back on their feet because he paid their hospital bill, etc. To set it in our times, Job had a widows’ support list; he organized free eye tests and gave free eyeglasses, bought wheelchairs for the lame, adopted orphans, and supported their education. He hired lawyers to represent those who couldn’t afford one in court and had staff who looked out for the vulnerable to adopt them into Job’s support program. Job fought injustice in his community; he was an epitome of generosity;
Proverbs 22:9 says, “He who has a generous eye will be blessed, for he gives of his bread to the poor.” Job’s generosity secured divine blessings for him so much that even when he suffered a setback, he bounced back with more influence and wealth. By his generosity, Job received grace for prosperity; everything he did or touched was so blessed until he became an enviable entrepreneur. “The generous soul shall be made rich;” God becomes his limitless and unending source. Before a need comes to him, God makes supply available. He watches over every act of generosity and responds to them with total-life prosperity.
Make God your limitless source; take on generosity as a calling. Never fold your hands when an opportunity to help or give shows up. Be quick to respond to the needs around you; many are hungry, homeless, jobless, sick, naked, orphaned, etc. Become God’s hands of mercy to them, and your acts of generosity will be investments in your heavenly account. In Acts 10, the angel told Cornelius, “Your prayers and alms have come up to God.” What you give may go ‘downward’ into man’s receiving hands, but it goes ‘upward’ into the releasing Hands of God. Generosity made Job great; it is more blessed to give than to receive. So, be generous!
Isaiah 32:8, & Acts 10:4, Philippians 4:15-19
“Do not be afraid! For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom. Sell what you have and give to those in need. This will fatten your purses in heaven! And the purses of heaven have no rips or holes in them. Your treasures there will never disappear; no thief can steal them; no moth can destroy them. Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be.” – Luke 12:32-34 (TLB).
Heavenly Father all I ask is the heart of generosity. Let me be a giver than a receiver. Amen!
I receive a generous spirit this morning and the grace to make bountiful eternal deposits into my heavenly account 🙏🏽
…Giving makes room for receiving , Father help me to always remember that someone somewhere needs my widows might to become. Use me as a channel not a container.
Amen. Channel, not container!
I understand the great blessing generosity is to the receiver, and much more, the giver. Lord, empower me to be more generous than I have ever been. Grace to be an extension of Your grace to those in need around me.
Lord help me to keep my hands open, that others may receive from me and You in turn pour into me.
The purses of heaven has no rips or holes, it is a sure Investment that guarantees ROI. 🙌