“…that you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you.” ~ I Thessalonians 4:11
God made Adam, placed him in a garden He planted eastward of Eden, and commanded him to tend and keep the garden. To tend in Hebrew is to labor as a servant over something, and to keep suggests to have charge, attend to, protect, and preserve. God gave Adam the business of nurturing, protecting, and attending to the garden to grow and multiply it. Adam gave attention to his work; that is why we are here. You also should mind your business.
Rarely does anything grow in a cultured, controlled, or satisfactory way without some care and attention given to it. It takes work to grow any venture – often both brain and muscle work. If you commit to consistently making such an investment into anything you do, you are guaranteed to succeed in it. Proverbs says, “Any enterprise is built by wise planning, becomes strong through common sense, and profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts.”
Is there something God has committed to you to do? Are you a musician, fashion designer, oil and gas expert, public health practitioner, nutritionist, banker, blogger, video editor, photographer, etc.? That is your garden, and God expects you to keep and tend it. If you want to move it from where it is to have a more significant impact and influence, you must mind your business. It needs your focus, care, attention, and commitment to grow.
In this context, to mind your business is to give your mind to all that concerns it; it is to think about it, care for it, and be intentional about it. Avoid the distraction that makes you jump from one thing to the other, unable to mind the one you have started. If you mind your business, it will answer you with results and increase eventually. It has a life; it will respond to your care.
To mind your business, pray for it, get information that will help move it forward, spend money on it, give it your time, and write out a plan to position it for a better future. Finally, give God ownership of the business, knowing that, as with Adam, He planted the garden; you are to manage it. Doing these will successfully position your business for success.
Proverbs 24:3-4 (TLB), Proverbs 27:23-24, and Colossians 3:23-24
+ Lord, plant a garden for me and place me in it to tend it. Where I presently do not have something I can call ‘my business/work,’ make way for me.
+ I receive the grace to give attention and care to my work. I refuse to be slothful in my work. Give me diligent and hardworking hands.
+ Keep me from gossiping about other people’s business/lives. Help me to keep my focus on You.