“Then Jesus lifted up His eyes, and seeing a great multitude coming toward Him, He said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat?” But this He said to test him, for He Himself knew what He would do.” ~ John 6:5-6
A seemingly impossible situation confronted Jesus: a great multitude needed food, but only five barley loaves and two fish were available. Jesus asked Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for them to eat?” not because He needed an answer, but to test Philip’s faith. We often see the problems before us and forget that our God specializes in turning the impossible into miracles.
We see our challenges but forget to see the miraculous possibilities that God has in mind.
God specializes in multiplying our little into abundance. His provision goes beyond what our eyes can see. If we can only trust God with what we have, we can watch Him multiply it beyond our imagination—trusting God with what you have means letting Him direct you on how to use it. He may show you how to spend (make the most of) it or ask you to give it away. Trust Him.
There was no way in human arithmetic that anyone in the multitude could have been fed on that day. The number of mouths needing food exceeded the available money or food. It describes the experience of many today; their ‘take-home’ (salary/income) cannot take them home. I heard someone say the cost of living is costing the living. However, know this: although the situation may be trying, God Himself knows how to bring you out, and He will bring you out. Trust Him.
I usually call God the Arithmetic Worker because I have seen Him meet needs with little in the bank. He will give you a miracle of multiplication and cause your little to do much. You will not be disgraced or falter in your responsibilities. His provision is not limited to the resources we see or the obstacles we face. Have faith and obediently bring what little you have, just like the boy with his lunch. When we surrender our scarcity to God, He transforms it into sufficiency.
Imagine a child offering a handful of pennies to his friend in need. To the child, it may seem like a small, insignificant gift. But to the friend, it is a gesture of kindness and love. Similarly, when we offer what little we have to God, no matter how modest it may seem, He receives it with open arms. Our small gifts become a banquet of blessings in His hands.
Philippians 4:19, Matthew 6:26, and Psalm 34:10
+ Lord, teach me to trust you and not fret when all I have is little and insufficient.
+ Lord, I give You access to my little; use it for Your glory and to meet Your needs.
+ I decree and declare that I shall experience an all-round miracle of multiplication, in Jesus’ name.