…Until the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our God and of His Christ. Revelation 11:15
Revelation 11:15
In this series, we have seen that if Christians do not rise to the top of the seven mountains of influence in this world, we may never rise to the level where we will be able to solve socioeconomic problems on a global scale. Christians have largely abandoned six out of these seven mountains to the unbelievers while playing church in their buildings. Sadly, this has resulted in corruption, decadence, crime, wickedness, illiteracy, etc. God’s Kingdom is relevant to every sphere of life, and Christians are called to go into ALL the world’s systems as a positive, influential and dominant force. The objective is to ‘occupy’ until the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our God and of His Christ.
Perhaps your level of engagement in any of these mountains is as a clerk or an operations officer, a human resource manager or a public servant. Wherever you find yourself, your prayer should be, “God show me how to get to the top.” Reason. Those at the top influence what happens at the bottom.
It is impossible to rise to the top of your mountain and become an ambassador-extraordinary without knowing your mountain. Therefore, it is important you deepen your knowledge base; find out what it takes to rise to the top, the levels or kinds of training you will need and the associations or guilds to belong to. You must also be willing to engage as a professional not as a novice; only then will your influence truly count.
Joseph and Daniel did not impact Egypt and Babylon by convincing people to become Hebrews or serve their God. By their gifts and the knowledge of God’s kingdom and earthly governments, they proffered solutions to the problems of governance and worked their way to irresistible relevance in kings’ palaces. As a result, heathen kings made decrees that honored the name of God.
God’s agenda in wanting Christians to be at the mountaintop is:
- To break down the walls of secular versus spiritual in order to more effectively engage the mountains. Not understanding this has kept many Christians from being key players in society.
- To bring revival and God’s transforming power to the workplace.
- To help Christians see their work as their calling and ministry, and to succeed there.
If you can affect these mountains, you will impact the whole world. Can God trust you to further the agenda of His kingdom if you are put on the mountaintop?
Genesis 41:25-41, Daniel 6:1-26, & Luke 19:13
How are you going to engage and take your Christianity to these seven mountains of influence to dominate and positively influence them with the culture of heaven?
Lord Jesus Christ,I beg you to lead me to my mountain, guide me through the path of Righteousness where I will discover my true souce of influence…in Jesus name amen.