It shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be raised above the mountains of the world. Isaiah 2:2
Isaiah 2:2
As stated yesterday, in order to impact the people of any society for God, Christians must find relevance on the seven mountains of societal influence. God wants us to take the light of His Word to where there is darkness, corruption and evil, to shine as lighthouses on the mountaintops. These are the last days that Isaiah prophesied that the mountain of the Lord’s house would be raised above the mountains of the world. So, we must arise. How do we engage on the top of these mountains?
Family – The first institution God created through Adam and Eve was the family. Before the fall of man, home was the place we all were supposed to learn about God and His values. Church actually came about because family failed after Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit. It was instituted to teach us what we could have learned from our parents. The family, therefore, is the molding place for every human being.
Malachi 2:16 reveals that God put the man and the woman together because He was seeking godly offspring. The devil today, in an attempt to gain control of this mountain, is wreaking havoc in homes, families, and marriages; he is destroying the production room because he knows that if the mold is defective, what comes out from that mold will be defective. As a Christian, you must pay close attention to your family and think creatively on ways to salvage this mountain of influence.
Government – Many Christians are accustomed to calling politics a dirty game. Politics is only dirty because the majority of the people who play it are dirty. Edmund Burke said, “Evil prevails when good men do nothing.” Because Christians don’t have full representatives in government, we have inadvertently given power to the children of this world to dictate the terms of our existence. If we keep stepping back and avoiding to take part in government, calling it dirty, the ‘dirty people’ will take advantage of its privileges and run society down. Can you imagine how civil our societies would become if we have more Christians in government with a priority to establish God’s kingdom?
Isaiah 33:22 says, “For the LORD is our Judge, the LORD is our Lawgiver, the LORD is our King; He will save us.” This tells us that the three arms of government – Judiciary, Legislative, and the Executive has its origin in God. Consequently, Christians who have capacity to be in government must rise up to the task and take responsibility by becoming God’s policymakers in government, because what happens in government is binding on all that are governed.
Genesis 18:17-19, Deuteronomy 16:18, & Proverbs 29:2
+ What can you do to see that your family becomes God’s original design for the home? How can you extend this insight to creatively influence the larger society?
+ How would you actively get involved in government? At what level can you engage?
Family comes first, even with God.
Our first contact with Him mostly starts from where we came from.
Pay attention to family. It matters to God.
#familymatters #myfamily #familyfirst
I engage by praying for my children and living my life as a Christian for them to see. My choices are influenced by what I believe and they know that. This is also the case where I work. I also need to understand governance and pray for the people of faith who are privileged to serve there. Sometimes, they stand alone in their views, and majority carries the vote, but they get castigated by those of us on the outside. Prayer is still key!
Lord Jesus Christ, I don’t know how to do it but I trust you will lead and lift me up. Amen