A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come. Luke 19:12-13
Religion – These include all religions; Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. Imagine the influence of religion on people, and the culture and philosophy it creates today. The power of religion holds people in bondage for years, twisting their perception of truth. This religious mountain can be conquered largely by evangelism; as a Christian, you mustn’t be ashamed of sharing the gospel to the unsaved, because it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes. Also, the focus of evangelism must shift from recycling believers among churches, and move to getting the unsaved to be saved (Romans 1:16).
Business – many Christians are guilty of not handling their businesses professionally; they do their businesses without proper structures and as a result, their businesses make no impact and die prematurely. Perhaps the reason why Christians are mediocre about business is the wrong mindset many Christians have about money – they believe ‘it is the root of all evil,’ even though the bible explicitly says it is ‘the love of money’ that is the root of all evil. (I Timothy 6:10). To conquer this mountain as a Christian, you must see blessing others, propagating the gospel and being a change agent in society as the morality for financial prosperity, That way, you can do business with the passion and creativity that is required, knowing that your profits will be used to do the will of God: extend His kingdom on earth, and bless humanity.
Arts & Entertainment – in Christendom, this mountain is mostly limited to church activities like drama, movie nights, music concerts and talent shows. These are good but how about taking these gifts beyond the church in order to set the captives free? Music and theatre are such powerful weapons that Christians can wield in combating the kingdom of darkness. Christians can make platinum records, blockbuster movies and they can break the internet with gazillion views on YouTube, all to the end that God’s kingdom is established in the hearts of men. However, for this to happen, Christians must be willing to invest in this industry, by owning record labels, movie theatres, theme parks, and supporting Christian artistes, comedians, dancers, etc.
Lord Jesus Christ,may your grace keep is strong and healthy. Mwy the Earth occupy the innocent and the humbled. Bless our hearts desires that it manifest on the face of the Earth. Amen