The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all leavened.” ~ Matthew 13:33
Leaven is a substance, typically yeast, used in dough (baking flour mixed with water or milk) to make it rise. A unique characteristic of leaven is its ability to affect the particles of any substance it comes in contact with and changes it to its nature. When leaven is introduced into a lump of dough (irrespective of its size and nature), the dough behaves contrary to its nature and becomes larger as the leaven takes over its particles.
Jesus spoke this parable to illustrate the influential nature of the kingdom of God and kingdom people. He said the kingdom is like ‘leaven hidden in three measures of dough’ till the whole dough was leavened. Things to note:
- The ratio (size) of the leaven to the dough (1 to 3).
- The leaven was ‘hidden’ in the dough; that is, it began its work in an unnoticeable way.
- The leaven’s effect became evident eventually. It became the dominating influence.
- Whatever leaven does, it only does by contact.
As a child of God, you have influence like leaven and God expects you to spread it wherever you are, just as leaven secretly penetrates and spreads its influence into whatever it comes in contact with. God is baking great things on earth; He is concerned about the growth of His kingdom, about the souls of men, about His will being done in your family, office, school, trade union or professional association, city, or nation. You may feel outnumbered where you are, but that is the right setting for leaven to work. What you have in you is strong enough to affect where you are, no matter how intimidating it looks – you have God’s word. You do not have to make noise. Begin by expressing your influence right from your table, house, shop, classroom, church, etc. God has ‘hidden’ you there so that your work is done silently until it becomes evident for all to see. You can only make a difference by contact; so, do not stay aloof – get involved in business, leadership, politics, your residents’ association, school governance, etc.
You are the salt of the earth, and salt also makes an impact only through contact. You are an influencer; impact your territory. May all your prayers, efforts, planning, marketing, advertising, and counseling in your family, church, business, or organization, eventually yield positive results. May God give you the grace to affect all your spheres of influence for His kingdom, in Jesus’ name.
Additional Texts:
Nehemiah 2:11-18, Matthew 5:13 & Acts 17:1-6
I am an influencer. My environment, men’s expectations, or my perceived limitations, will not limit my influence. I have greatness in me, and I begin to release it henceforth. In no distant time, I will see the whole ‘lump’ leavened. The difference I make will give God glory – Amen!
I like what is said about Apostle Paul and his team – “These who have turned the world upside down have come here too.” I want to so influence and impact my world, this will be said of me. Use me O Lord; use all You have put in me and be glorified. I go into the world as an influencer or leaven, and I make huge difference for the kingdom of God, in the name of Jesus.
My lessons from the yeast: bakers “proof the yeast” to determine its whether it is active or inactive. The yeast always show a consistent reaction as a proof it is active. If it indicates otherwise the baker knows there’s a problem. Secondly, yeast rises faster when it is in a hot or warm environment.
The yeast has consistency and perseverance. How am I when proven and subjected to heat?
Great insight Aisha.
Just like the yeast that thrives in heat areas, I realise through today’s devotional that I should rise above my seemingly impossible situations and thrive..
God uses difficult situations to show Himself strong!
Yes ma’am!
“The difference I make will give God glory ” globally in my sphere.
Amen 🙏🏼
I do not conform…. Rather I am the change agent that causes others to conform to the image of God.
Great thought! You are an influencer.
God is baking something great here on earth and I am in it!
What a privilege to be used of God to make a difference.
Ha! Forget what you see around me, I can make a difference, I can change my world.
Amen! Yes, indeed.