“And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever.” ~ John 14:16
Jesus gives His valedictory speech to His disciples; the thought of Him dying left them morose, like a child who had just got separated from his parents. That prompted Jesus to tell them He would not leave them as orphans; although He would not be present, He would send them a Helper just like Himself in the person of the Holy Spirit. The Greek for ‘Helper’ is Parakletos.
Parakletos describes the ministry of the Holy Spirit in us. Though it means ‘helper,’ the Greek reveals its diverse meanings. It is from two Greek words: Para – alongside, and Kalein – To call. Parakletos means one called alongside to help or come to one’s aid. God wants you to have an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit that affects every area of your life. Other meanings:
a. One who pleads another’s cause before a judge. A counsel for the defense, a legal assistant, or an advocate.
b. One who pleads another’s cause with one, an intercessor. It speaks of Christ’s exaltation to God’s right hand, pleading with God the Father to pardon our sins.
c. In the broader sense, it is helper, advocate, strengthener, succorer, aider, or assistant.
Jesus further said that when the Holy Spirit comes, He will abide with us always, teach us all things, remind us of the word of God, and lead us into all truth (that is, the essential reality of all things). The Holy Spirit, our Parakletos, is our one-stop shop for help; He will give us counsel, direction, comfort in trouble, strength to overcome difficulties, or wisdom to avoid them.
Why would you have this Parakletos and ignore Him? The Holy Spirit is not just for church; as you can see, He has divine intelligence and advance knowledge of anything you are dealing with. He has wisdom for your business, parenting, startup, relationship/marriage, projects, health, and proposals. It will amaze you that He knows Coding, Java, Calculus, Evidence and Constitutional Law, Anatomy, and much more. We miss these when we ignore our Parakletos.
The Holy Spirit wants to fellowship with you; He wants you to take advantage of all He has for you. As you go into this week, invite Him, keep Him in your thoughts, and converse with Him. Ask Him where to turn, who to meet, what, and how to do stuff, etc. As you journey with the Parakletos by your side, I pray this will be your best week yet, in Jesus’ name.
John 16:7-15, Acts 9:31, and I Corinthians 2:11-13
+ Dear Holy Spirit, I acknowledge You in my life today. Forgive me for often ignoring You. I invite You to go with me into the week. Teach me, guide me, counsel me, inspire me, and give me direction. Lead me away from evil and into peace, prosperity, and righteousness paths. I welcome You now, my dear and precious Parakletos, in Jesus’ name.
Hallelujah! Welcome dear Holy Spirit.