As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27:17
Proverbs 27:17
The power of one person cannot be overemphasized. Years ago, through one man’s influence, a whole nation committed genocide, resulting in the death of six million Jews. As humans, we individually exude ‘magnetic’ fields of energy – the power to motivate and uplift others on one hand, and/or the power to dampen someone’s spirit, create fear, and discourage others on the other hand.
You can come into the company of someone and go away with a positive energy; their presence lifts your spirit, calls out the king/queen in you and pushes you to aspire to great things. But the opposite is equally true; a negative influence of someone’s entry into your life can have catastrophic effects on your life and destiny. Proverbs 13:20 says, “He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.” And ‘bad company definitely corrupts good manners.’ Your life is an aggregation of the company you keep.
If people are this powerful, then to reinvent yourself, you must be poised to harness positive ‘people power’ to polish you and steer you in the right direction. I am not just talking about mentors, teachers or a boss at work, but a group of friends, people who have nothing to gain from you. These are people you feel comfortable to share your ‘goals’ with and they are not threatened by the ‘you’ that you are about to discover. They are people who can correct you when you are wrong and are derailing, but are also your greatest cheerleaders. They can smell trouble from afar and can lovingly guide you away from it. They are shoulders you can cry on when you run into potholes on your journey to reinventing you; they are committed to you. They can pray for you, send you encouraging notes, be there to share your pain with you, and you can be vulnerable with them. Above all, your success exhilarates them; it is as if they are the winners when you win. You may say to me, “Do such people exist?” I know this may look like a tall order and perhaps, a rarity, but they exist. So how do you find them?
1. Pray to God to show you these people around you or to bring them into your life.
2. Sit down and look at your list of friends. Which of them fit (or come close) to the descriptions above?
3. Based on the golden rule, choose to be that person to somebody and you will attract such people into your life (Matthew 7:12).
When you identify these people, pray to God about them, then invite them and share with them your goals and ‘recruit’ them to look out for you and pray for you.
Your greatest assets are not just people, but good people in your camp. So I pray for you today, that God will bring these people into your life; that He will eliminate people who bring negative energy and subtract from your life. May He send you sons of encouragement, friends who stick closer than a brother and those that will be committed to your success in Jesus’ name.
I Chronicles 12:8-15, Proverbs 18:24, & Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
By the grace of God, I receive the right kind of influencers into my life and I become the right influence for other people. I walk amongst the wise, and I become wiser. The wisdom of God upon my life steers me away from foolishness in Jesus; name.
May my eyes be watchful and heart receptive of such friendships. Amen.
*May my eyes be watchful and heart recipient of such friendships. Amen
I am wise and I walk with the wise in Jesus name
Lord Help me be that person that is an asset to my friends. In Jesus Name Amen!!
Lord Jesus, create a new me in me I plead. Amen In to your hands oh Lord I commend my spirit.Amen
May God’s wisdom direct my path from foolishness & by his Grace, may I receive the right kind of influencers in my life & also be a right influencer to others in Jesus’ name..
With great power comes great responsibility. I must be deliberate in my relationships with the people around me.
#deliberate #power #advance
Let the love and faith I have received flow out to others because that’s the Christ living His life through me. Let it shine!!
Amen! I become the right influence for others and recieve the right influencers into my life.
May God help me to walk with the Wise amen