“But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me…” – Daniel 10:13a
An angel told Daniel that God had heard his prayer and answered; however, the manifestation was delayed until Angel Michael intervened. This validates God’s word that we are not fighting against humans (flesh and blood), but against spiritual beings, evil rulers of the unseen world, and wicked spirits in the spirit world. This results in:
- Discouraging Delays: Delay to answered prayers is a usual ploy employed by satan to wear Christians out. You conclude that maybe you are not meant to have what you have prayed for or it isn’t God’s will, etc, meanwhile it is satan. You lose hope and the tenacity to keep on asking.
- Crisis Cries: This is praying without being word-filled. It is treating prayers like 911 phone calls, never calling except during emergencies or waiting until the very last minute before taking action, especially when negative outcomes could have been averted. A vibrant prayer life builds prayer muscles which come in handy in times of emergency. Jesus told His disciples that they could not cast out a demon because they had not built the spiritual muscle to do so; they should have been maintaining a life of prayer and fasting before the day of trouble came.
- Hard Hearts Harboring Hatred: Living in unforgiveness towards anyone or even God will shut down your prayer life. Praying while hiding bitterness, malice or hatred in the heart makes one a hypocrite. An unforgiving person stands guilty before God; his motives in prayers are wrong and he has no regard for his fellow man. God is not a respecter of persons but a God who honors His word. He is concerned about how you treat your ‘neighbor’.
The devil is the ultimate reason why prayers are not answered (the ‘official’ behind every roadblock) and not because God refuses to answer you. He is behind demonic orchestrations that lay accusations and spiritual lawsuits against God’s children. The devil constantly wages war against the angels that deliver answers to prayers. So, wage a good warfare through prayers; persist and persevere in the place of prayer, and do not let the devil wear you out. YOU WILL WIN!
John 15:7, Ephesians 6:13, & Mark 11:25-26.
Use every piece of God’s armor to resist the enemy whenever he attacks and hinders your prayers; remove every roadblock so that you have unfettered access to heaven. Pray all the time, asking in line with the Holy Spirit’s wishes. Plead with the Lord, remind Him of your needs, and pray earnestly for all Christians. You will begin to see answers to your prayers while building your spiritual muscles and prayer life.
In the name of Jesus, I excavate and unearth demonic seeds illegally planted in my mind, my soul and my spirit. They shall not take root. They shall not be incubated, nurtured, nourished, fed or watered. I destroy them now. I receive only that which emanates from the mind of God; seeds of hope, seeds of faith, seeds of Holiness, seeds of righteousness, seeds of Godliness, seeds of ethical dealings, seeds of morality, destiny, power, success and prosperity.
Amen! Powerful prayer!
For He that promised is well able to bring it to pass.
So I will wait for it.
I will be fervent in prayer and I will keep my eyes on Him who never fails.
Even when the storms of doubts come I will not be shaken.
He will do that which only He can do!
I declare unhindered access in the place of prayers. By divine authority, I clear out all satanic roadblocks and I bind the ‘official’ behind the roadblocks. Henceforth, I have better outcomes in my prayer life, in Jesus’ name.
Dear father, I know you love me, you are mindful of me, it is your delight to answer my prayers… this morning by the authority in your name I remove every obstacle in the way my prayers, I give you upfront praise for answering all of them…now let my praises ascend like a sweet smelling savour. I wage war with my praises and my prayers let every roadblock be destroyed in Jesus name.