“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.” – Genesis 8:22
God has set some universal laws in place that, if we understand and deploy them, we can influence our outcomes in life. One such is the law of seedtime harvest. It is a timeless principle of sowing and reaping. For every seed, there is a corresponding harvest. In other words, if you plant any seed, God sees that it yields a harvest after time elapses.
Today, one seed you can sow in the soil of God’s word is your money. It demonstrates your trust in God as your unceasing Source and an act of worship because sacrifice is at the heart of worship. Giving is not God taking from you; it is an opportunity for Him to give to you. So, do not get agitated when the question of giving to God pops up. It is an opportunity for God to give back to you in supernatural ways and measures. After some time, seeds turn to harvest.
When God enacted this law and gave it as a gift to Noah and his descendants, Noah had lost all his investments, and the prospects of getting a job were complicated. Water soaked the earth and depleted it. But Noah prayed and began from there; all he had was the promise of God and all he had in his hands.
Notice that the passage says, ‘Seed’ ‘time’ and ‘harvest.’ In other words, after the seed, time has its place. You must wait for the tree to bear fruit because you just planted a seed. How do you succeed at waiting for the harvest that you strongly desire? Because seed has entered the ‘soil,’ harvest must come. Seed-Time-Harvest. It is only a matter of time before you will testify. Don’t lose hope!
It is not the desire of God to take away from you, shortchange you, or rob you. His justice pairs every seed with a good harvest. Many of us lost our miracle in the quest to hurry to the finish line; hold on. Time must elapse after your seed collides with God’s word; go about giving thanks; the harvest has come!
Luke 6:38 (TLB), Proverbs 11:24, and James 5:7-8
+ Ask God to grant you the ability to discern the times He wants you to give and what to give.
+ Call in your harvest for seeds you have sown to return to you in overflowing measures today.
+ I eliminate the fear of what may God wrong if I give.