“And it happened that the father of Publius lay sick of a fever and dysentery. Paul went in to him and prayed, and he laid his hands on him and healed him.” ~ Act 28:8
The sole objective of satan’s venom is not just to hurt you; the communities, people groups, and lives that God wants to reach and touch through you are also the target. Satan’s venom wants to stop your future usefulness in the Kingdom of God. If the viper had felled Paul at Malta, he would not have been used by God to heal the father of Publius and several others on the island.
The viper fastened itself to Paul because it knew Paul mattered in the plan of God, and was on a mission to the people on the Island of Malta. There were other prisoners and natives of Malta who also gathered wood for the fire, but the viper did not go after them; it went for Paul. The viper wound itself calculatedly around the same hand Paul had used to preach, heal the sick, collect offerings for churches, cast out devils, touch handkerchiefs, and worship God.
The viper’s (satan’s) sole aim is to attack your most important areas – the things you cherish the most, things you pride yourself in, your strengths, gifts, and what God is doing through you to be a blessing to others. Because your business/ministry will employ many and solve problems, satan will target it. He will try your faith and undermine your usefulness and calling to nations.
The Maltese watched Paul to see what would become of him: ‘how would this apostle handle this trying experience?’ I want you to know that people are watching you in the trying seasons of your life. Your children, spouse, family, colleagues, neighbors, etc., are all watching and waiting to see what becomes of you. They may misrepresent you, not knowing you are to be their deliverer. Do not buckle under pressure so that you will fulfill your mission to them.
God would not allow Herod to kill the apostle Peter because of his future usefulness (Acts 12). While he was jailed and chained to two soldiers, Peter shook off the shackles that held him when an angel visited him. He did not allow Herod’s venom to stop him. God has a plan for your life; the venom is not just about you. So, shake off the serpent (satan) into the fire. There is a crown of glory waiting for you; people are waiting on tip-toes for your manifestation!
Genesis 45:4-8, Isaiah 62:1-5, and 1 Peter 2:9-10
Lord, I thank you because I am chosen by You and special, a royal priest and a holy nation. I will tell of all the wonderful things God has done for me. Through me, many will come to the shining light of Jesus.