“Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, ‘Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.’” – Numbers 13:30
Moses sent twelve men to spy out their land of promise – Canaan, which they were to take possession of. Although God had given them the land, Moses wanted them to have a vision of the land to whet their appetite for entering it. Ten of the twelve spies brought back a bad report about the land. The bad report put fear in the people, and they hesitated to take possession.
This bad report was not a lie; the land they spied on presented opportunities and difficulties, open doors and troubles, and tough times and abundance. But their perception of the land was fear of its inhabitants rather than faith in God’s promise to give them the land. So, their fear kept them from entering the land of opportunities (milk and honey). However, Caleb and Joshua had a different report; where others saw trouble and difficulty, they saw prospects and fruitfulness.
When the time came to take possession of the land of promise, only Joshua and Caleb could of the twelve that spied the land. The rest died. As you journey into the rest of the year, you must see God’s promises fulfilled ahead of time. You only qualify to go ahead if you can see ahead. Your experience in the coming months will be a function of your perception.
Don’t be like the ten spies who only saw trouble, difficulties, lack, and dryness. Don’t let your decisions be made only by the economic predictions of the pundits. Their predictions may be facts, but the ‘truth’ is that great opportunities lie ahead too. The promise of God to give you a ‘land flowing with milk and honey’ is surer than any economic adverse wind or financial crunch.
I say to you, as Moses said to Israel, “Be of good courage!” God has given you the months and days of this year. He has packaged opportunities, fruits, prosperity, contacts, jobs, good gifts, etc., for you. Take your eyes off the news for a bit; look at the Promise Keeper and His word, then prepare to take possession of all He has for you. I command the gates of the remainder of this year to open to you; let giants and walls fall so you can possess your portion.
Numbers 14:1-9 and II Corinthians 4:18
+ Thank You, Lord, because giants can’t keep You from blessing me or fulfilling Your word.
+ Let my journey through the remainder of the year be a movement from wilderness into fruitfulness, not enough to more than enough, and confusion into purpose and fulfillment.
+ The glory of the latter part of the year will be greater than the former. My former will be a desert compared to my latter, in Jesus’ name. My latter shall be all-around fruitfulness.
+ Father, open my eyes to see as You see. Change my perception to align with what You want for me. Let me look beyond the outward to what the Lord is doing per time.