“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” – Luke 9:23
The call to follow Jesus is not a call to a lifestyle of convenience or a bed of roses; although it has privileges, it comes with great responsibility. It is impossible to be a Christian without letting go of yourself and your ways. Christianity involves thorns and a cross, self-denial, total surrender, and absolute obedience to the Father’s will. When Jesus said, “Take up your cross,” He meant that following Him will take sacrifice and letting go of how it has always been for how it can also be. It is a call to let go of the steering wheel of your life and let God do the driving.
Our natural self wants to live in pleasure, have its way, and care nothing for others; the concept of sacrifice is alien to it. But Jesus laid an example for us by leaving His glory in heaven to seek and save lost mankind; He became poor that we might become rich, became sin that we might become God’s righteous ones, and died that we may live. That is the picture of Christianity and is the way of the cross – living life God-centered and focused on others. It seeks to please God, and to live for the benefit of others.
The cross represents sacrifice, humiliation, weakness, and death. At some point in our Christian walk, we will be called upon to live out these virtues – to do things for the sake of the kingdom of God when it is inconvenient, when it costs us our public image, or makes us appear weak; that is when we will have to kill our pride and refrain from getting even. To live a ‘cross-life’ is not a day’s job; it is a continuous and gradual process. It requires intentionally submitting your wants, desires, aspirations, and urges to the will and authority of God and the Scripture. It is choosing to be led by the Spirit of God and not by your flesh or feelings. It is a life that resembles Jesus’.
Have you denied yourself, counted the cost, and taken up your cross to follow Jesus? Are you ready to make sacrifices to follow Jesus? What would you let go to spend more time in God’s presence in prayers, bible study, church fellowship, and making a difference in your circle of influence? The more you die to self, the more alive you become in the spirit. The more you put your body and desires under, the more you become like Christ. When you decide to take up your cross and follow Jesus, is when you will be living your most God-pleasing life ever.
1 Corinthians 9:27, Galatians 2:20 & Philippians 3:7-10
+ Lord, help me to live a life of surrender. I take up my cross today, and I follow you daily.
+ I pray for the grace to break free from the distractions and pull of the world around me, that I may follow You with a singular devotion.
+ I want to know You, more than before; and I want to experience Your power in my life.
It is a great and awesome privilege to live daily for you. Thank you for putting eternity in my heart.
Yes, indeed!
Amen 🙏🏽
Thank you Jesus for reenforcing in me by your word this morning the grace to be more surrendered.
Lord, help me to be a better Christian through obedience, sacrifice, and surrender to the leadership of Your Spirit, in Jesus’ name.
I am thankful for a clearer perspective to ‘taking up your cross’.
I pray Lord for the grace to do that with total devotion, void of distractions and an absolute surrender to you!
Help me to yield daily to your Spirit, Lord, in Jesus’ name. Not seeking my ways or the way of any man but yours and yours alone.