“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” – Psalms 34:19.
Affliction is anything that causes persistent pain, harm, distress, suffering, or agony. Affliction can manifest in the form of diseases, terminal illnesses, and recurrent loss, be it physical, spiritual, or financial. Isaiah 53:4 says of Jesus, “Yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.” Jesus also suffered affliction! He was rejected by His own, called a devil, nailed on a cross, bore all the sins (present and future) of the world, and finally, His Father turned His back on Him. An understanding of this verse will firmly anchor your soul in trying times.
Lets take a close look at our key verse; a definition of terms:
MANY: – (Several, A large number, Multiple). Scripture does not flatter us with the idea that goodness will secure us from trouble. On the contrary, Jesus tells us there will be afflictions, “In the world, you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
AFFLICTIONS: – (Trouble, Adversity, Great grief). Stagnation in business and life, inability to move forward, the famine of ideas, marital crisis, sickness or diseases, indebtedness, no fruit of the womb, emotional and mental stress, e.t.c.
THE RIGHTEOUS: – (God-fearing, Law-abiding, Just). David was a lover of God, a man after God’s heart, yet, he was afflicted. It shows that bad things sometimes happen to good people. The righteous may suffer adversity and stumble seven times, but they will continue to rise again and again. Faith does not necessarily immune you to troubles; it works out your victory. You may go through the fire but will not burn. You may go through tough times, but you have the promise of God that there will be deliverance.
BUT: – (However, Even So, Notwithstanding). Oh, thank God for this conjunction! It takes the sting out of the first part of the verse. ‘BUT’ objects to what was said earlier. It presents another truth or position and suggests that things are about to change and will not always be the way they are. It is a turning point, and today is that turning point.
DELIVER: – (Snatch away, rescue, preserve without fail). God will never allow trouble to swallow you up. Your victory is assured today. No matter how bad your circumstances or how long, He shall send from heaven and save you.
Many are the afflictions (misnomers, misfortunes, weaknesses, set backs, etc., in an otherwise good life) of the righteous, BUT the Lord delivers out of them all. You may have found yourself in troubled waters, BUT God will deliver you – you are coming out, in Jesus’ name – Amen!
John 16:33, Proverbs 24:16 & Psalms 3:8
I may have financial difficulties now, BUT I am coming out prosperous.
I may not have my children now, BUT I shall be a Father/Mother of many.
I may not be employed now, BUT I will not lack and also provide for others.
I may go through many afflictions, BUT I come out victorious in Christ. God will deliver me. Amen.
I am coming out in Jesus mighty name!!!💃🏾
What comfort, what assurance! I’m leaning on God’s everlasting arms. I will never be stranded, I will always come out victorious. Thank God for the ‘BUT!’
Today is my day. Regardless of how persistent, so long as it is qualifies as AFFLICTION, God has delivered me from them all. 💃💃💃
Victory is mine.