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  1. Olushola Mshelia

    Help me Lord to trust you more as you take me through the process of fulfilling your purpose for my life, that I may live a purpose filled life. In Jesus name. Amen

  2. Akanji Rebecca

    Dear God,, I accept the fact that there is a purpose for everything that happens here on earth. I may not understand it now but I ask for the grace and wisdom to put together the missing piece(s) of this puzzle of this tragedy.
    Help me Lord to fulfill my purpose and calling upon my life. Show me how and what to do, I submit myself totally to you and ask that you take absolute control.

  3. Josephine Gideon

    Thank you for creating me, I receive Grace to live a purposeful life, My relationship with you oh Lord is solid, Nothing or No one can come between us, Show me what to do, how to do it, where and when In Jesus name Amen

  4. Helen

    Help me Lord to go through life knowing you have a purpose for my very existence. I ask for Grace to have a close – knit relationship with you to enable me understand my purpose in Jesus’ name. Have your way Lord.

  5. Elizabeth Tyongi

    Oh My father in heaven help me to build a closer relationship with you so I can live a Destiny fulfilled life in Jesus mighty name Amen

  6. Sarah Johnson

    Father help me

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