“But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” – James 1:4
The Greek word for Patience, ‘Hupomonē,’ means hopeful endurance or constancy, patient enduring, sustaining, and perseverance. Webster says Patience is “to remain calm and not become annoyed when waiting for a long time or dealing with problems or difficult people.” However, God uses Patience to qualify us for His higher purpose and mission for our lives; for this reason, we must let Patience have its perfect work.
Patience is challenging; our nature recoils at it because we like things to happen quickly and are often impatient with others and ourselves. We do not want to stay in queues, ‘beat’ the traffic lights, and think our spouse needs to catch up with our ideas. Life will often force us into scenarios where we need to be patient. We get into difficult situations and expect to push a button to stop it, or we make petitions to God and expect an instant answer, but no, it delays.
James counsels that when you find yourself in such situations, know that your faith in God is being tested, and be joyful knowing that the goal is to produce patience. Why? A patient man can receive anything from God; He will outlast every opposition and his last will be better than his first. Think of Abraham or Job; the devil tried, but they outlasted him and got their promises.
James said, “Let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete.” This statement means you will be well-rounded and grounded as a Christian, mature in spiritual things, and be able to respond aptly to life’s challenges. Going through tough times without losing faith in God makes you a solid Christian. God can then commit favors and duties to you, knowing you have the backbone to carry them. Be patient; God has good in store for you.
When your faith seems not to produce results, and you want to compromise, your ability to wait on God through delay is going through a test. Let patience have its perfect work. Patience knows that everything will eventually turn for good. It is tolerant, full of faith, and never acts hastily or thoughtlessly. Faith must work with patience before a promise is received. Don’t quit under pressure; hold on a little longer; your help is coming.
II Thessalonians 3:5, Isaiah 28:16, Psalm 37:7, and Psalm 40:1
Father, teach me endurance. Please give me the tenacity to stay with my marriage, children, job, business, studies, sports, etc., until I become all you intend me to be. Give me the grace to go through tough times without losing enthusiasm, knowing that You will work all things together for my good. I will let Patience have its perfect work in my life, in Jesus’ name.