For in that He put all in subjection under him, He left nothing that is not put under him. But now we do not yet see all things put under him. But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor… Hebrews 2:8-9
Hebrews 2:5-13
At creation, God put all things He created under man, but man through his grand rebellion against God, forfeited that honor, and as a result, we did not see everything being subject to him. In fact, he was mostly subjected to things and nature. But, WE SEE JESUS… That is, after man has been dominated and oppressed by sin, by Satan and all his manipulations of nature to cause catastrophe, Jesus at the appointed time, stepped into space & time to show us and to deliver to us the original divine mandate of all things being subject to man.
So as we look back to Jesus’ earth-life, we SEE JESUS:
Overcome Satan and his temptations.
Exercise dominion and authority over demons, casting them out with a word, even ordering a legion of them out of a demoniac.
Overpower and overcome every form of sickness and disease, healing people and never being sick Himself.
Exercise dominion over animate nature when He cursed the fig tree and caused it to wither overnight.
Defy the laws of nature and all mathematical formulae, when He walked on water, and when he fed 5,000 people with 5 loaves and 2 fish.
Prevail over death and the grave, when he raised Jairus’ daughter, as well as the son of the widow of Nain, and Lazarus, from the dead. And ultimately, when He died, plundered Satan, took the keys to hades, and voluntarily rose up from the dead on the third day.
All these, Jesus did and delivered to any man in Christ, who will look with the eyes of faith and SEE JESUS in himself, and stretch himself in faith, to perpetrate and perpetuate the divine dominion that God gave him over all the works of His hands. Your victory is assured, when you confront life with this faith – as Jesus is, so are you in this world!
1 John 4:4,17, Colossians 2:9-15, & Mark 16:17-19
The Greater One lives in me. Therefore, with the eyes of faith, I take delivery of my dominion mandate and subject all the works of God’s hands under my authority. I refuse to be defeated by life’s circumstances because I am above always and not beneath. I boldly declare: “I am an overcomer in Christ Jesus.”
Thank you Lord for giving me dominion over ALL circumstances, (including Impending Natural disasters) . #FaithGym
It is all about dominion.
I take dominion.
I choose dominion.
#dominion #take #choose
Greater is He that is in me….
‘Hallelujah! ‘
I see Jesus. I see who I am in Him. I settle for nothing less.