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  1. Emeka Fred -Hilary Kanebi

    A trustworthy/dependable response to temptations from the enemy? … IT IS WRITTEN.

    When we win, God’s response is always elevation/ promotion.

    Pass The Test.

    #faithgym #passthetest #itiswritten

  2. Josephine Gideon

    I ask for Mercy oh Lord where I’ve compromised my faith, I receive Grace to travel on Jesus lane as I embark on my Journey of no Compromise. You are able to supply all my needs according to your riches in Glory in Christ Jesus. Amen!!

  3. Uduak

    Let our love for God outweigh our desire for everything else.
    Let Him remain Lord over our hearts and lives. Let His pleasure continue to be our pursuit and may that influence every choice we make in Jesus name! Amen!

  4. Gideon Ishaya

    God bring me to my senses when I am tilting away from the right lane. Help me to see you only as my source even when the pressures of life present itself to bow down.

  5. Ashi Dooshima

    Lord I thank you for your GRACE.

  6. Sarah Johnson

    May I live like Daniel who stood his ground.
    Believing in God with all the threats he was never afraid of what the king might do to him.
    Glory to God hallelujah.

  7. Jay Porbeni

    Almighty God, establish us as God-lovers and principled men/women, strengthen me to live uncompromisingly according to God’s standards, install in me a hunger for the word; In Jesus precious name I pray, Amen.

    1. Dave A. Voice

      Amen and Amen!

  8. Agogs

    I can never use Satan’s method to achieve God’s will for my life!

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