“So Jesus answered and said, “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine?” – Luke 17:17
Do you know that God takes note (keeps record) of every good thing He does for you: help, supply, healing, protection, favors, sustenance, etc.? However, we forget and see them as usual or expected, so we fail to pause, acknowledge God’s goodness, and thank Him.
Ten men came to Jesus with their prayer request; ten men appealed to His mercy and power, but only one returned to acknowledge and thank Jesus for what He did. They raised their voices when making their requests, but only one returned with a loud voice to thank God. Sadly, the only man who came back was a Samaritan. The Jews must have felt it was their right because they were promised that ‘healing is the children’s bread.’ They belittled the blessing and the Blesser (healing and the Healer), and so, saw no urgent reason to return with thanksgiving.
This text reveals the shocking ratio of the thankful to the unthankful (1:9). Jesus noticed it and said, “Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine?” More people give prayer requests than they testify to God’s glory. Ingratitude is the plague of an entitled generation. Paul said, “What do you have that you did not receive?” If you think you received all you have from God, why would you be silent and not ‘loud’ with your praise and gratitude? “Well, I don’t want people to know how much I got in the deal; I don’t want them to know I was once leprous; I don’t want to appear too emotional; I am shy and wouldn’t know what to say.” What? But you were loud with your prayer point; you shared it with everyone you know and asked for prayers.
We are quick to forget the blessings of God; when a need is met, we quickly move on to praying for the next one, which hurts God. We can be a needing people, but God wants us to be a thanking people. We are experts in seeing what is lacking, missing, unfinished, undone, e.tc., but we forget to see what we have, is done, and remains after a time of trouble. If you didn’t have the things you have now, I bet you would crave and pray for them. Now that you have them, never take them for granted.
Thanksgiving is not a function of how much God has done for you; it is a function of how good you are at remembering. As the year comes to a close and we look back and thank God, don’t be absent from the thanksgiving queue. Don’t let God say, were there not ten I blessed, healed, kept in peace, gave a job, carried through trying times, etc., where are the other nine?
Psalm 103:1-5, I Corinthians 4:7, and Psalm 150:5&6
+ Take time to recall God’s goodness to you and spend time thanking Him for them.
+ Write the things God has done for you. Share a few with someone today.
Father, I reflect on Your goodness and faithfulness in my life and I am sorry that I am not as thankful as I ought to be. With a grateful heart, a song of praise in a loud voice and with outstretched hands, I say, “Thank you, Father! Let all that is within me bless Your Holy name, give You all the praise and glory in Jesus name, Amen!”
Glory be to God 🎼🎼🎼
Okposong Abasi!!! The One Who takes care of me!!! The Lion Of The tribe of Judah Who fiercely protects His own!!! Creator of ALL things created!!! Deserving of ALL my thanks!!!
Looking at the 10 men, it is interesting to see how suffering can unite us and our differences unnoticeable. It is the voice and attitude of gratitude that set this man apart from the others, it made him the man who gave glory to God and people realized he was a Samaritan. GRATITUDE WILL SET ME APART in Jesus’ name.
An entitled man might never be grateful!
Psalm 103:5, spells out categories of the things to bless God for, I think we focus on just one category most times and it prevents us from blessing God.
The category we feel that has not been very addressed in the year is where we stay and sulk like ‘babies’
I choose to acknowledge all categories and suddenly the sulking disappears and behind the veil is a grateful me!
Hallelujah!! I got another Word!
Glory to God! We bless Him for all His benefits.
Lord You have done so much for me, I cannot tell it all, not even with 10 thousand tongues. But I will not tire of saying Thank You Lord, Your praise shall continually be in my mouth.
Say it!!!
Glory be to God.
I will not forget. I will be intentional. Nothing will be too insignificant to be thankful for.
Thank You, Lord, for life.
It’s easier to point out what hasn’t happened or recieved, but difficult to point out what has happened and received. With a penitence heart, I’m sorry for what I’m not thankful for in Jesus name amen 👍🏼