“Then he who had received the one talent came and said, ‘Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed. And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground.’” – Matthew 25:24-25
People who believe they were not given any ‘talent’ often fall into destructive behaviors, largely despising what they have. They feel life, or God cheated them, that what they have is insignificant, and they complain about it like this wicked servant. They see those more ‘talented’ as better than themselves, become envious, and often switch lanes to where God has not assigned them. Such are under delusion and usually never amount to much. You have something; use it.
Those who think like the servant with one talent furthermore become bitter at life or God and conclude that God loves or thinks of them less than those with five talents. The one-talent servant harshly judged his master; “I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed.” That sounds harsh and unfair.
Another likelihood for these people is the abandoning of their talent. “I am not as good as that other guy, so why try?” They bury what they can do because it is not operating at five or two. They stop drawing, singing, swimming, blogging, consulting, etc. They do not benefit anyone, make no profit, and ultimately succumb to a life of defeat and stagnation.
What is the way out? Change your thinking. Accept that God has no favorites and never cheats on anyone. The master gave the talents according to each servant’s ability but never limited how much they could do or grow what they had. One talent put to use could have grown to two, five, or even ten. Whatever God has given you can make you thrive; however, do you see it the way God sees it – precious, valuable, and good? You have something; use it.
What you have in your hand is the key to what God has promised you. You can get what you don’t have by using what you have. Moses’ rod became God’s rod of power. The widow’s jar of oil made her a millionaire. David’s sling made him a hero. Esther’s humility and inner beauty took her to the palace. Where you are should not stop you from going where you should. You were not born empty; you have something to offer your world. You have something; use it.
Proverbs 12:24 & Zechariah 4:10a.
+ Pray against laziness and the tendency to bury your God-given gifts, abilities, graces, or talents.
+ Ask God to breathe on your ‘one’ talent and cause it to grow and multiply.