You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. – I John 4:4
I John 4:4
Continued from yesterday…
The third warrant you have for winning in life is that: “YOU ARE OF GOD!” That is, you proceed and originate from God. You are made in God’s image and are designed to function like Him.
In most cases, the family of your birth determines what you have access to (birthright) and how far you can go in life. People born in a Royal family know the throne awaits them.
Who gave birth to you? Pause and think of some of the attributes of God your Father – He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah and a Lion cannot give birth to a dog! If then you are made in God’s image, you have access to what He has access to. You can create; you are not subject to demonic powers, sickness or failure. Even a lion born in captivity instinctively goes for the jugular in the hunt. I John 5:4 say, “Whatever (whoever) is born of God overcomes the world.” This means you have the spirit of dominion in you. If God cannot fail, then, you cannot fail!
If you think this sounds strange, think about children – they think possibility, they are not limited in their minds and they usually dream of greatness. They talk big, money is not an issue because they are with daddy, and they can have anything. But most adults have allowed the reality of what they see in life steal their dream of greatness. That is why Jesus said, “Unless you are CONVERTED and BECOME as little children, you will by no means enter…” (Matthew 18:3).
Therefore, God is saying that for you to walk in victory, you must primarily return to your default setting…the factory setting. Life has customized us into failure, fear and frustration; but God is saying, let’s hit the ‘RESET’ button and return yourself to favor, fruitfulness and success because you have already been given the WARRANT to be and have these things!
I Corinthians 1:57 & I Samuel 17:38-51
+ The world and circumstances may have stolen or killed your dream, but like Joseph, you will dream again. Begin to reclaim your dream – your dream for success, for a happy home, for children, for a successful career, for academic excellence, etc. Pursue, overtake and without fail, you will surely recover all!
+ Break every force of limitation spoken over you or that you have accommodated and entertained in your mind.
I will surely recover all that I had lost in the past and never limit myself for the success in life.
Ashi Dooshima will dream again. I’m born of God so I have overcome the the world. I have the spirit of Dominion in me. I cannot fail.
I will become a child again in God and just believe…
I am born of God, therefore I overcome every challenge I will face in life. I fight from a standpoint of victory because the battle was won for me 2,000 years ago. Praise God!