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  1. Olushola Mshelia

    My hope is in you oh lord for your promises concerning me are yes and Amen. Thank you Lord for always coming through and true.

  2. KAY

    God I believe that your son Jesus died and resurrected. I also believe in the holy trinity. I pray that you grant me the petition of my heart as a believer in your words. You said that Faith come through hearing the word. May my faith in you not dance shaku shaku in Jesus name I pray Amen. Morning brethren.

  3. Beth

    I wait on the Lord, in praise; knowing He will honor my faith and grant my petition.

  4. Jay Porbeni

    Heavenly Father, i am grateful. I am grateful for Your grace upon me, strengthening me in Your word and building up my faith. I am grateful for Your promises, I know Your word will never return void and at the appointed time, that which You have promised will be established! Amen. #IBelieve

  5. Helen

    I believe & have total faith in your word O’Lord, for your promises concerning my life will surely come to pass… Amen!

  6. missybee

    My hope is built on nothing else than Jesus blood and righteous…… I don’t mind waiting on You Lord.

  7. D.H.B.

    Thank You Lord because You have honoured my Faith and granted my petitions. Like Abraham, thru faith and patience I inherit all of Your promises in my life. Hallelujah!!!

  8. Julianne

    Thank You Abba Father for You who have spoken are not man that you should lie or the son of man that you should repent. Thank You for PS 91:15-16, 3John2 and all that You have promised in the scriptures that cannot be broken, they shall accomplish all that You have ordained for me in Jesus name

  9. Onoshe

    Thank you Lord! I’m reminded that you are my father and my helper. And that you are my Hope.My faith has been strengthened. Amen.

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