“To all who are in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints.” ~ Romans 1:7
I remember a song by Phil Driscoll. It says, “We are the people of God; called by His name; called from the dark, and delivered from shame. One holy race; saints everyone, because of the blood of Christ, Jesus the Son.” Some religious denominations reserve the title of ‘saint’ for persons they recognize after their death, who may become the object of veneration and prayers for intercession. However, that is not the case with the bible; God calls all of us (to be) saints.
The Greek word for saints is Hagios (hag’-ee-os). It speaks of something unusual or sacred (physically pure, morally blameless or religious, ceremonially consecrated). The radical idea of the word is what is separated from a common to a sacred use. It is applied to anything that is set apart for the service of God—to the temple, sacrifices, and utensils around the temple. It also applies to the garments of the priests who minister before God and the priests themselves.
A careful study of our text (see NKJV bible) will reveal that the words ‘to be’ are in italics; this means they were not there originally but supplied by the translators for better understanding. This means that the believers in Rome were ‘called saints’ before they became ‘super-holy.’ They were not called because they were saints, but they became saints through God’s calling.
God is saying that our sainthood is nothing we earned; we have been made saints (made righteous through the blood of Jesus Christ). He made Him who knew no sin to be sin so that we might become the righteousness of God. You are a saint because you are born again. Salvation has conferred a new status on you, so now that you are a saint, act like one. Works do not justify a man, but a justified man must work and bear fruits that show you are a saint.
So, ‘Saint (____your name),’ live up to your holy calling. Touch not the unclean thing; separate yourself from things that defile or displease God; let your conversations be devoid of vulgarity, lewdness, and profanity. Stay away from moral and sexual impurity. You are a saint: a holy ‘thing’ set aside, especially for a Holy God. God delights in us; hence, we are called to be saints.
I Peter 2:9, II Corinthians 6:14-18, and II Corinthians 5:21
I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, saved by grace, justified by faith, and have peace with God. God calls me a ‘saint,’ and that calling has made my life beautiful – set apart from the profane but set aside unto God. Henceforth, I devote myself to God to please Him and serve His purpose for my life and generation. Let my life be sweet incense unto You, O Lord, in Jesus’ name.