“But Naaman was angry and went away and said, Behold, I thought he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, and wave his hand over the place and heal the leper.” ~ II Kings 5:11
The pressure in our world today is overbearing; we hear of earthquakes, bomb blasts, financial hardships, and extreme lack. Just today alone, I have watched two videos of people lamenting the present predicament, angry with God, hopeless, and ready to draw the curtains. Well, I will say, “You have come this far; you have fought and won many battles; don’t stop now.”
Despite all his military accolades and medals, an unabating bodily disorder plagued General Naaman. It was a messenger of satan sent to torment and to keep him humble. No beggar in Syria would exchange skins with him, despite his wealth. He heard about a cure in Israel and traveled down from Syria to get healed. However, Elisha did not attend to him personally but sent word to him to go and wash in river Jordan. Naaman felt insulted and derided. He decided to return home until his servant said, “Sir, you have come this far, don’t stop now.”
Naaman was further tried by his having to dip seven times in the Jordan. He must have felt tempted to stop after seeing nothing on the sixth dip, but he persisted. Are you getting tired of praying, trying, or waiting on God? Do you contemplate quitting sometimes? Hang in there; you have made it thus far; don’t stop now. Life does not always yield things to you at your first attempt; you must keep trying. Who knows how close you are to the manifestation of your desire?
Learn this from Naaman. With his influence and wealth, he must have tried everything and sought the best medical attention but got no relief. However, he did not stop trying; he felt another trial, help, doctor, or expert would not hurt. He was willing to try again. Let this be your attitude also. Don’t stop asking, seeking, or knocking until your desire comes to pass.
No Olympics gold medalist ever gave up on the race. The popular parlance states, “Quitters never win, and winners never quit.” Decide and ask yourself a question you may never have asked before; “How badly do I want it?” If your answer is, “Very badly,” don’t stop now.
Judges 8:4, Philippians 3:13-14, and Job 14:14
Father, I receive the grace to keep going. Amidst disappointments, delays, and denials, I will not stop now. I refuse to quit, knowing that my miracle is around the corner. I may feel exhausted, but I will stay in pursuit until I witness the manifestation of my expectations, in Jesus’ name.
I just can’t give up now; I’ve come too far from where I started from… God didn’t bring me this far, to leave me.
Nobody told me, the road would be easy.
But He would never leave me nor forsake me.
I have hope.
Amen 🙏🏽
Faith is unwavering persistence.
There is no giving up or backing out now! I keeping pressing!
Thank you Father for your grace. Amen.