“Do you know the ordinances of the heavens? Can you set their dominion over the earth?” ~ Job 38:33
Job had an experience so bad you would not wish it on your enemy. He lost everything but his wife, whom it seems satan spared to torture him. God appeared in a whirlwind to end his ordeal and posed many questions to him. One of those questions is our key verse: “Do you know the ordinances of the heavens? Can you set their dominion over the earth?” An ordinance is a law set forth by a governmental authority or something ordained or decreed by a deity.
Other versions are clearer: “Do you know the laws that govern the heavens, and can you make them rule the earth?” (CEV). “Do you know the laws of the universe and how the heavens influence the earth?” (TLB). God showed Job that there is a system that runs the heavens and affects what happens on earth. The spiritual (heavenly, what is above) rules and impacts the physical (earthly, what is below). God wanted Job to discern and enforce them on earth. Even science shows us that the moon’s gravitational pull determines the ocean tides and floods.
The law that governs the spiritual realm is the will of God. Hence, Jesus taught us to pray, “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” He wants us to enforce the divine pattern (God’s will) on earth and in our lives. Take these spiritual principles and implement them to govern your life.
God created and runs the heavens by His word (His will). Run your life from the spiritual. Take God’s word and begin enforcing the divine pattern, protocol, and order revealed in God’s word over your life. Let the word move from the pages of the bible into your reality, guiding and shaping your life. Decree and enforce days of heaven on earth in your life, and your life will look exactly like God’s good plans.
A Declaration: I superimpose the will of God over my life now. Let God’s word be fulfilled in my life: I will be fruitful and multiply. The works of my hands are blessed. I shall not lack my mate. I am the head and not the tail. My children shall be taught of the Lord. I trust God, I will lack no good thing. If I fall, I will arise. I have laid the foundation of my project; I will put the capstone by grace. It will be to me according to God’s word. Let what is written concerning me find fulfillment in my life, beginning today; let the word become flesh (tangibility) in my life.
Psalm 33:6-7, Psalm 119:90-91, and Psalm 119:89
Make the declaration in the last paragraph in faith.