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“…I write to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for His name’s...


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  1. Micheal ogbadu

    Lord let the giant in me will araise for the exploit in Jesus name le your grace be sufficient for me Lord I pray Amen. God bless ILCC God bless Pasto Wale.

  2. Olushola Mshelia

    Lord help be and accomplish all you have called me to be. There is still so much to do. I need grace wisdom and guidance to put all together. Help me lord in Jesus name Amen

  3. KAY

    #My hallelujah belongs to you, my hassana belongs to you… you deserve it Lord, you deserve it Lord#. We shall accomplish our Godly vision and mission in our life’s. Our success policy is already written so NO Delilah can take it away from us in Jesus name I pray zabarkaka. Blessed day brethrens.

  4. Ebubechi

    This spoke to me. I’m going to get it all done! And God is with me so I will succeed. Amen!

  5. Keziah Gankon

    Lord Jesus, today I thank thee makingbsee yet another day,make it worthy for me,push me Lord to get y heart desire done.mhelp mevFather to achieve my aim.thank you Jesus.

  6. Emeka Fred -Hilary Kanebi

    Our disbelief (how can this be?) in God’s power/grace, exposes our humanity (Mary, Gideon, Jeremiah, Moses etc) .

    But when we yield and embrace that power/grace it reveals our God potential.

    #faithgym #Godpotential #humanity

  7. Becky Akanji

    Praise God! I have great potential. Am insurmountable force that is unstoppable by excuses or limitations.
    The world is waiting for me!


  8. Beth

    That is what my life is about. I go ‘get it done’ , that the glory may be to The God Who’s grace is at work in me. I turn my back on all that holds me back.

  9. Jay Porbeni

    Christ has sent me, how can I fail!

  10. Onoshe

    This is such a timely reminder and reinforcer! Now, let’s go get it done!

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