“But he said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He is risen! He is not here…” – Mark 16:6
The Jewish leaders requested that Pilate would tightly secure the tomb of Jesus. A large stone was rolled over the entrance to the grave, sealed with an official seal, and soldiers stationed there to ensure that the fate of Jesus remained sealed. Satan did his worst and recruited the Roman government to execute his hate against Jesus. However, there would be a shocker.
If those who rolled the stone over the tomb knew that Jesus wasn’t kept in the tomb by the stone, nor was death able to detain Him, they would not have tried either. Jesus stayed in the tomb for two nights because He had unfinished business. Having fought the forces of darkness, He had to present His atoning blood at the altar in heaven to satisfy God’s justice.
On Sunday morning, victory switched sides. Just as Dagon, the Philistine God, fell before the Ark of the Covenant, Satan’s troop fell before Christ. Just as God commanded light to shine out of the darkness at creation, Jesus (the world’s light) shone out of the tomb’s darkness early that morning. Those who kept him behind the stone would be shocked that he was no longer there.
God sent an angel, an officer of the court of heaven with a warrant for Jesus’ release, to open the prison gates of death to Him. God’s Spirit quickened Jesus and raised Him from death. This singular event broke the shackles of death and the grip of devils, rolled the stone away, and brought Jesus out. He was removed from where Satan kept Him, which was meant to be His eternal resting place, a site for future tourists or archaeologists digging for His bones.
The angel at the tomb told the women who sought Jesus, “He is not here.” The songwriter said, “If You left the grave behind, so will I.” That is the hope that the resurrection of Jesus offers us: He left where the powers of hell detained Him; He is no longer in the place that spelled His defeat. Be assured in Christ; you will rise above limits and overcome all setbacks. Are you in a place where it seems satan has won? Do not despair. If Jesus left the grave, you will come out. Those who kept or saw you there will soon look for you and say, ‘He is not here.’
This Easter, remember that whatever stone life has rolled in your way to keep you buried or trapped in a painful or destructive cycle was rolled away when Christ rose from the grave.
Psalm 78:60-66, Acts 2:22-24, and Matthew 27:62-66
I pray for you today, by the Spirit of God, that whatever good thing is dead in your life will come alive in Jesus’ name. God will turn the devil’s triumph in any area of your life into victory and overthrow your accuser. Let the light of God break through every darkness around you – witchcraft, bondages, depression, or fear. I declare that resurrection power quickens your body right now to receive the fruit of the womb and for healing from diabetes, high blood pressure, mental distress, bodily weaknesses, etc. All are healed right now, in Jesus’ name. May the God of heaven send an angel from heaven to come and roll away every stone that has been rolled against your progress, in Jesus’ name. Look up and rejoice; the stone has been rolled away!
Amen 🙌🏾
Amen. Thank You Jesus!