“So he said, “You have asked a hard thing. Nevertheless, if you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you; but if not, it shall not be so.” ~ II Kings 2:10
‘If’ is a conjunction. It is a word that introduces a conditional clause; that is, on the condition that something will happen; or, in the event that such a thing happens, another will happen. Particular results are expected when the required conditions are met. This conditional clause often governs life. There are things we can have or become only if we meet a condition.
We must meet conditions (IFs) to get answers to our specific requests of God. We often omit this when we seek God; we expect Him to wave a magic wand and answer us. However, we rarely ask what duty He expects of us – upon what is the answer conditioned. Elisha asked for a ‘hard thing,’ yet, God (Elijah) did not say it was impossible; he only said, “IF.” If Elisha saw ‘God’s Uber’ (chariot of fire) come for Elijah, he would get his hard request.
‘IF’ is essentially the obedience that precedes miracles; it may be an action of faith or love that God requires us to take. Sometimes, it demonstrates the tenacious commitment that God seeks; it may be to sit and learn from Him through His word or to go to another man to know. God’s ears are not deaf to our ‘hard requests’ and prayers; the problem is that our ears are deaf to His ‘IFs’ – His conditions. We are distracted by the noise around us and our needs.
Elisha was focused on the ‘hard thing’ he wanted and was willing to pay the price for it. He refused to engage in unfruitful discussions with the ‘sons of the prophets.’ Are you willing to meet the ‘if’ condition for what you seek? God says, “I will do it IF you pray, study, or seek Me more; if you will be generous, forgive your husband, be kinder to your wife, serve in the church, etc.
God says, “Nothing is too hard for Me to do for you IF you will pay the price and meet the conditions.” Of course, in Christ, we have merit, yet we are called to the place of obedience. Yorubas say, “The man that wants honey from the rock does not care what happens to his axe head.” Don’t let the price discourage you; fix your eyes on the prize. Elijah wanted power; a long walk was fine. I know you desire God to do a ‘hard thing,’ but “GOD WILL IF…”
Job 36:11, Exodus 15:26, and Deuteronomy 28:1-2
“Lord, I ask for the grace and discipline to pay the ‘IF’ price for the things I seek from You. May I stop being a casual seeker who wants God’s gifts but not Him? Like Elisha, let following You be my utmost desire, and then let the miracle I desire be a consequence of following You.