“And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.” ~ John 10:4
In II Timothy 3:1, Apostle Paul said, “You may as well know this too, Timothy, that in the last days it is going to be very difficult to be a Christian,” because self-love, rebellion, profanity, lack of self-control, and the love of money and pleasure will increase. He was right. These last days, we hear many voices from social media, television, radio, magazines, and songs, all claiming to be experts in helping us navigate life. These voices are not just making empty noise; they are often programmed to cause many to drift away from the faith – Hebrews 2:1.
Oftentimes, these voices sound believable, enticing, reasonable, and subtle. They have trapped many like a bird in a snare. You begin to lose your fire and take no notice of it; you have a rational explanation. You are cut off from your spiritual routine of worship, prayer and fellowship, but you think nothing of it. You are unconsciously getting lukewarm and loving it.
What you hear is very important; it can make or break you. Jesus said, “Take heed to what you hear.” Listening to the stranger’s (satan’s) voice for so long can poison your spirit, kill your devotion to God, and affect your choices. A voice is simply a particular opinion or attitude expressed. Beware of the ‘stranger’ who utters opinions to lead your life in a contrary direction. He is a robber and a liar; a hostile foreigner, an alien, and not of God’s family. I don’t care how nice he looks or sounds, he seeks not your best interest. Be on your guard against him.
To whom are you listening? To whom are you giving your attention? Understand that voices are ‘spirit guides’ leading you on a course. Whose voice do you hear when you think of whom to marry? Who guides how you respond when offended? Whose voice speaks into your home, business, courtship, dressing, the parties you attend, or stuff you post on social media? Whose voice has informed your speech, because you will end up sounding like the voice you hear?
Sheep stray easily; hence, it is dangerous for sheep to be without a shepherd whose voice they can hear. Jesus said, ‘I am the Good Shepherd; My sheep hear My voice; I know them, they follow Me, and I call them by name.’ The true sheep of Jesus hear His voice. They are intimate with Him and can discern His voice from that of a stranger. They will adamantly refuse to follow the stranger because His voice does not sound like the voice of their Shepherd. How do sheep end up knowing the shepherd’s voice? We will find out tomorrow.
ADDITIONAL TEXTS: John 10:27-29, Hebrews 2:1, and I Corinthians 14:10 (KJV)
+ Lord, I receive the grace to discern and tune out the voice of the stranger.
+ In any area of my life where the stranger’s voice has formed my philosophy, language, attitude, and choices, I renounce them now, in Jesus’ name.
+ Henceforth, I receive the grace to hear and respond to the voice of the Good Shepherd alone.
I hear you Jesus! You are Good to me, the Good SHEPHERD.
You are a door. I go through you to my green PASTURES.
I hear only God. My ears are closed to other voices.
My confidence comes from God’s word, I am sensitive to God’s voice
In Jesus Name Amen
Jesus, it’s your voice I hear, it’s your voice I will follow. Tune my ears to your voice only
Even in the noise and chaos, I know my Savior’s voice.
May I be discerning enough to know any voice, no matter how nice-sounding it is, that attempts to lure me into error. May I follow the voice of the Good Shepherd alone, in Jesus’ name.