“Now the days of David drew near that he should die, and he charged Solomon his son, saying: “I go the way of all the earth; be strong, therefore, and prove yourself a man.”
I Kings 2:1-4
King David lays on his death bed, giving his farewell speech as he gazes at heaven’s gates, ready to embark on the journey all men must travel. He has many important things to say about life in the kingdom when he’s gone: the building of the temple, execution of justice, etc. Top on his list, however, is that his son, Solomon, who will succeed him, should prove himself a man.
Knowing death is inevitable, David did the right thing by putting his house in order. Kings, peasants, high, low, rich, poor, small, great, etc., will all die someday. Therefore, do your best to leave a good legacy. David saw that his greatest legacy would not be his military successes but to put a son in his place who would follow after God and continue to shepherd the people.
David was worried about his son, Solomon; He didn’t know if he was man enough to be a leader over a warlike and stubborn people. Solomon’s youth would be a major problem in his position as king of Israel. He was likely a teenager who had personal struggles with sinful thoughts. David, therefore, urged the young boy to be courageous and be a man.
Over the years, men who did not know how to be men have risen to positions of influence. They lacked the courage to make tough decisions, fire non-performing officials, break with hurtful traditions, and make political alliances for mutual benefit. When David told his son, “Prove yourself a man,” he meant he should see himself as a king, a prince, and a hero; Solomon must be self-controlled and incorruptible. He was not to be a man in biceps but in principles.
A man is not a man by gender but by good character, acting in humility and wisdom. We are God’s legacy on earth, and He is saying to you and me, “Prove yourself a man.” Commit to keep His word, live in obedience, and reverence him, as was told Solomon. You may be a lady or a man, but prove yourself to be a person of truth, sincerity, character, and integrity. Men hurt men but are also healed and helped by men. What kind of man will you be? Decide today.
Psalm 15:1-5, II Timothy 2:19-21, and I Samuel 16:18
+ Lord, I arise to be a man of character and integrity to be a vessel of honor in Your hands.
+ Lord, I ask for the grace to rise above the vices in my immediate environment and to live a life that honors You in all areas of my life.
+ Mold me into the man (woman) You have preordained me to be.