And he moved from there and dug another well, and they did not quarrel over it. So he called its name Rehoboth, because he said, ‘For now the LORD has made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land.’ – Genesis 26:22
Genesis 26:12-22
One of the devil’s deceptions is to make people think they have lost time and opportunity, and that starting all over again may be too difficult, if not impossible. We see in our society today many people who have bought into this ‘lie’ and have given up on themselves.
Many have lost the will to try again after a delay or a setback, ‘thinking’ that they are too old. However, God is ready to work with whoever is willing, no matter how old they are or what their experiences have been. He is not moved by our time; He lives in eternity. Mary thought if Jesus had come ‘earlier,’ Lazarus would have lived. But when Jesus came ‘later,’ Lazarus still lived. (John 11:21,43-44).
Don’t think you are too old or it’s too late; don’t think it can’t happen again or that you can’t start again. One lesson you can learn from Isaac today is not to stop pursuing your dreams because of temporary setbacks or adversities.
Isaac could have allowed the herdsmen of Gerar stop his dream of having a well when they stopped him twice, but he didn’t, rather he dug again and again until he found his ‘Rehoboth.’ Don’t retire, but re-fire! START AGAIN! You will get to your ‘fruitful place in Jesus name!’
Psalm 92:11-15, Luke 1:36-37 & Hebrews 11:11-12.
Declare over yourself, that you are like a tree planted by the waters, thus you will be fruitful in and out of season. No situation can stop you in spite of setbacks, rather you will have the last laugh.