Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? ~ Matthew 6:27
Matthew 6:25-34
The fact that Jesus repeats over and again that believers should not worry in this passage, shows how important He considers the issue. So many of you reading this devotional would have heard this same message severally; however it is worth reiterating because many still labor under the influence of ‘worry’.
Worry plagues your mind with questions you don’t have answers to. Asking you… HOW? WHEN? WHERE? WHAT? all in an attempt to put you in an uncomfortable position and make you focus on the less important things of life.
Nothing kills productivity and creativity like worry; it paralyses you and shuts down your power to think of a way out of your predicament. It never ADDS to your life, rather it subtracts from you by stealing your peace, age, facial glow, sleep and it greatly attacks your faith.
When you give in to worry and anxiety, you are simply demonstrating unbelief in God’s providence. God is tender and infinite in wisdom; He knows all your needs as His child, and it is in His place to provide for you. Not to expect this, is an insult to His Person.
If your earthly father knows how to give you good gifts how much more will your Heavenly Father? Rise up today and discard every worry, it isn’t WORTH IT! Look at the birds of the air, it is not that they have answers for all their concerns, but they always have a song!
May God free your mind from every TROUBLING THOUGHT this Thursday in Jesus name!
Matthew 7:9-11, Philippians 4:6-7 and 1 Peter 5:7.
Commit your concerns to God, and ask that His peace which surpasses all understanding will guard you heart and mind in Christ Jesus today.