Then he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country, and he sent him into his fields to feed swine - Luke 15:15 REFERENCE Luke 15:11-24 The objective of this week’s devotional is to get you moving from a place of stagnation to your preferred destination in different aspects of your life. When the prodigal son first identified his goal for financial freedom, he went to his father who gave him the required capital he needed to accomplish that goal. That capital was meant to move him in the right direction towards fulfilling his goal; however,...
And not many days after, the younger son gathered all together, journeyed to a far country, and there wasted his possessions with prodigal living - Luke 15:13 REFERENCE Luke 15:11-24 “It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” – Tony Robbins Most times in life, your decisions play a vital part in getting you to your desired destination (fulfilled goals). So, if you are stuck on the journey to getting to your desired destination, you need to be honest with yourself, and objectively analyze the decisions you took that ‘derailed’ you, or that stopped...
But when he came to himself, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!. Luke 15:17 REFERENCE Luke 15:11-24 In yesterday's devotional, we established that like most of us, the prodigal son had a goal to get somewhere (financial freedom), and to achieve his goal, he embarked on a journey. He however got stuck along the way, and had to pause and appraise his situation by asking himself some tough questions. This brought about a turn-around for him. Many people are stranded in a place of unfulfilled...
And he would gladly have filled his stomach with the pods that the swine ate, and no one gave him anything. Luke 15:16 REFERENCE Luke 15:11-24 Do you feel like you should be at a particular destination but you are not? Do you feel dissatisfied with where you are in life? Do you have unmet goals and expectations? Consequently, do you feel stuck in a rut with no way out? Well if your answer is ‘Yes,’ I have good news for you: ‘There is a way out of every rut!’ Life can never bring you to a place...
Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise, which, having no captain, overseer or ruler, provides her supplies in the summer… - Proverbs 6:6-8 REFERENCE Proverbs 6:6-11 To round off our series on ‘Myrmecology’ (study on ants), today, we will look at an integral contributing factor to the success of ants. A keen observation of the ants shows that they are self-motivated and are endowed with relentlessness - the ability to keep going on despite all odds. Some common traits in them include these facts: a. They do what they “need” to do without being forced by guides and...
There are four things which are little on the earth, but they are exceedingly wise: The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their food in the summer - Proverbs 30:24 & 25 REFERENCE Proverbs 30:24 & 25 Our text describes ants as “exceedingly wise.” Interestingly so; because wisdom is the principal asset for exploits and success in life. Today, the wisdom tip for consideration in our quest for success is ‘TEAMWORK.’ Believe it or not, this is one of the greatest secrets to the ants’ success. "Teamwork is the process of working effectively with others...
How long will you slumber, O sluggard? When will you rise from your sleep? - Proverbs 6:9 REFERENCE Proverbs 6:6-11 James 2:14 says, “Faith without works is dead.” Vision and Planning, two secrets to living successfully like the ants, cannot happen without hard work. A vision without work is just a daydream; likewise, planning without work is just theory. Thomas Jefferson said, “I'm a great believer in luck, but I find that the harder I work, the more I have of it.” For the ants, hard work is evident in their daily lives. They are laborious, persistent, resilient and...
Provides her supplies in the summer, and gathers her food in the harvest. - Proverbs 6:8 REFERENCE Proverbs 6:6-11 Yesterday we started our class on ‘Myrmecology’ (study on ants) as we look at the secrets of the ants’ success regardless of their size. Let’s take it further today. A careful examination of the ants shows that they are meticulous planners. So, their second success secret is ‘Planning.’ A plan is a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something. It is an intention or decision about what one is going to do. It is an arrangement made in advance...
Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise - Proverbs 6:6 REFERENCE Proverbs 6:6-11 Ants are one of the most successful and resilient animal groups on earth. They help recycle over ninety percent of all dead insects. Research shows that ants have successfully colonized almost every landmass on earth, and their success in so many environments has been attributed to their social organization, ability to modify habitats, tap resources, and defend themselves. This success rate of theirs is why wise King Solomon wants us to ‘go to school’ to study Myrmecology – the study...
But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!” – Matthew 14:30 REFERENCE Matthew 14:22-31 To conclude the series we started this week, let’s take a look at one major hindrance to faith that we all fall into every now and then - ‘walking by our five senses.’ As humans, we tend to judge everything physically and forget the spiritual dimension of things. We mostly get too mindful of facts, circumstances, experts opinions, etc. We unwittingly become slaves to our feelings…slaves to our five...