Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end. He did not give up because of the cross! On the contrary, because of the joy that was waiting for him, he thought nothing of the disgrace of dying on the cross… - Hebrews 12:2 (Good News Bible) REFERENCE Hebrews 12:1-2 As we approach the end of the year, it is good for you to begin to attune your heart to what God will do in the coming year. This year may have had its challenges, but the year is not over...
Philip answered Him, “Two hundred denarii worth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may have a little.” – John 6:7 REFERENCE John 6:1-13 Even though Jesus knew what He would do to feed the multitude that came to hear Him, He still tested Phillip with the question of where they could get enough bread to feed the multitude. Perhaps, He did that just to know Phillip’s mindset concerning God’s provisions. However, Phillip’s mind could only grasp what he saw in his immediate environment - so many mouths to feed, not enough bread, nowhere...
Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” – John 4:10 REFERENCE John 4:6-15 Jesus here points to this woman that whatever benefits she gets from this well's water will soon expire or evaporate and she will sooner or later return to fetch again. When we drink water to the full, we soon thirst again as though we never drank before. This means, whatever waters of comfort we drink...
Then Elijah said to Ahab, “Go up, eat and drink; for there is the sound of abundance of rain.” So Ahab went up to eat and drink. And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; then he bowed down on the ground, and put his face between his knees... I Kings 18:41&42 REFERENCE I Kings 18:1, 41-46 We ended yesterday with the thought that God is the supreme source of power; and that nothing yields in the realm of the spirit, unless to a higher power. Therefore, when you come in the authority of God, the only true Potentate, you have...
…The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power]. ~ James 5:16 (AMP) REFERENCE James 5:14-18 Prayer is the greatest force on the earth if it is well employed. Queen Mary of Scotland once said, “I fear the prayers of John Knox more than an army of ten thousand men.” Prayer that is earnest generates tremendous “Power.” The dictionary defines power as the ability to do something. It is the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the...
And they rose at twilight to go to the camp of the Syrians; and when they had come to the outskirts of the Syrian camp, to their surprise no one was there. – II Kings 7:5 REFERENCE II Kings 7:1-8 Yesterday we concluded with the thought that something dies when you sit at a place for too long. The third thing the four lepers did was that they decided to move to the enemy’s camp not fearing for their lives, and not minding the risks involved. To move into new things or make progress in life, you need...
Now there were four leprous men at the entrance of the gate; and they said to one another, “Why are we sitting here until we die?”- II Kings 7:3 REFERENCE II Kings 7:1-8 Have you sometimes wondered why many Christians still walk in defeat? It is largely due to ignorance and inactivity. Romans 8:19-22 reveals that the whole of creation is waiting on you (son of God) to take your place in authority, because they understand that God gave you dominion over them. Therefore, nothing moves until you move. From our passage, we see that after the word...
...who brought water for you out of the flinty rock; who fed you in the wilderness with manna, which your fathers did not know… –Deuteronomy 8:15&16 REFERENCE Deuteronomy 8:7-18 In spite of the obvious and undeniable miracles that God had worked for the children of Israel, Moses constantly warned/charged them not to forget the blessings of God in their lives, which means it is possible to forget. So, we see that thanksgiving is not so much about what God has done for you but about how much you can remember. Therefore, on this last day of our “Thanksgiving...
For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and springs, that flow out of valleys and hills; – Deuteronomy 8:7 REFERENCE Deuteronomy 8:7-10 What did Mary the mother of Jesus do, to qualify to be the one who brought forth our Savior, Jesus Christ into the world? The answer is nothing; she was simply a product of God’s divine favor…at least, so the Angel said. (Luke 1:30) Do you know how your life would have been if you were not where you are presently and didn’t...
…the LORD your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage; who led you through that great and terrible wilderness, in which were fiery serpents and scorpions… - Deuteronomy 8:14&15 REFERENCE Deuteronomy 8:7-16 This year may have come with several challenges; you may have gone through a terrible wilderness experience and you may have passed through the waters and the fire, but the fact that you are still standing shows that you made it out – You are a testimony of God’s deliverance; and for that you ought to give Him...